Bonjour, Merci pour votre message. Nous avons déjà laissé presque 2 pages entières au camp de brousse (1 message par membre de la famille). Concernant Matthew: Matthew was a fantastic guide. He has been extremely patient with all of us throughout our trip. He answered our gazzilions questions about everything regarding the country, the animals, the language. He managed to squeeze the car so we had the best angles to watch the animals and waited that we had enough of enjoying watching them. He was always looking to find every possible animals, that we wanted to see, in different situations. He did it until almost the last minute when we saw almost every animals possible on our way to the airport. He beared with our children mood, sickness and toilet break very patiently. He made everything smooth and taught us the real meaning of Hakuna Matata in many different situations. He also managed to get Vanessa's pillow back (that we forgot the first day) after probably dozens of patient calls. We really had a great time with him. He is definitely a great guide and a good and nice person. We could really feel it. We have a ton of memories together as a family in the wildness. It has been everything we hoped for and more. Everything was very weel organized. We felt the sincerity of everyone to make our trip the most pleasant possible. Thank you again everybody! We'll always rememeber it and we'll talk about it for many years to come. The Koehrlen Family (Vanessa, Ilyan, Chiara, India, Malto and Thierry)
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