Charlotte H_____ a écrit ce commentaire.
Tanzanie - En famille
Dates du voyage : du 24/09/2017 au 25/09/2017
Page 2 : We returned to the courtyard situated in the middle of the village after spending time playing with the children and helping them with homework. While we were away, the women of the village had come back from their afternoon labour and were setting out pearls, bracelets and necklaces in the middle of the path for us to buy. We bought souvenirs and they also taught us how to make bracelets using tiny pearls, little stones, little branches and ostrich eggs’ shells although I have to say we were nowhere near as good as they were and definitely not as fast. However, we did manage to make a small one after some of the girls our age helped us out. The bracelets varied in colour, just like the robes and all the pearls were of a vivid colour, making the girls’ eyes sparkle like diamonds when they wore them. The bracelets came in all shapes and sizes but were all unique and simple. Some had the Tanzanian flag on them while others were decorated with animals made out entirely of beautiful pearls. The sun was setting in the sky as we kept on chatting. The sunlight made the dirt glow as red as a farmer’s fields on fire. Then the time came for goodbyes, there were a few tears but it all ended well as we wished them luck in their future lives and they told us to have fun on the rest of our trip. Later in the evening, when we were back in our comfortable room and safe hotel, my sister and I realised that, despite not speaking the same language as our new friends, communication had not been a problem at all and instead made us communicate in a different way that made us more aware of each other. Charlotte H. Assignment 2 Final draft